incubation |
the act or process of incubating, or the state of being incubated. [2 definitions] |
incubator |
a temperature-controlled apparatus in which ideal conditions are maintained for the recovery of sick or premature infants. [3 definitions] |
incubus |
an evil spirit in male form that is said to have sexual intercourse with women as they sleep. (Cf. succubus.) [3 definitions] |
incudes |
pl. of incus. |
inculcate |
to implant in someone's mind by earnest and frequent repetition; instill (usu. fol. by "in"). [2 definitions] |
inculpable |
free of guilt or blame. |
inculpate |
to charge with or involve in a charge of wrongdoing; incriminate. |
incumbency |
the quality or condition of being incumbent. [3 definitions] |
incumbent |
currently holding an office or position. [4 definitions] |
incunabula |
existing copies of books printed or made before 1500. [3 definitions] |
incunabulum |
a book produced before the first days of printing with movable type, around 150l. [2 definitions] |
incur |
to become liable for or bring upon oneself (usu. some unwanted or harmful consequence). |
incurable |
that cannot be cured. [2 definitions] |
incurious |
feeling or showing no curiosity or interest. |
incursion |
a raid or sudden invasion. [2 definitions] |
incurve |
to curve inward. [2 definitions] |
incus |
the small middle bone of the mammalian middle ear, shaped like an anvil. |
indebted |
obligated to another person or persons, as for money or favors. |
indebtedness |
the condition of being indebted. [2 definitions] |
indecency |
the quality or state of being indecent. [2 definitions] |
indecent |
not in accord with accepted standards of morality, propriety, or taste; improper or vulgar. |