indeterminate |
not fixed, clear, or precise; indefinite or uncertain. [3 definitions] |
indetermination |
the state or quality of being indeterminate. [2 definitions] |
index |
an alphabetical listing of subjects, names, specialized terms, and the like in a book, with page numbers given for each item indicating where these items are mentioned or discussed in the book. [10 definitions] |
indexation |
the automatic adjustment of wages, prices, interest rates, or other economic factors to a cost-of-living index. |
index finger |
the finger between the thumb and the longest finger; forefinger. |
index fossil |
any fossil used as a reference to correlate and date rock strata and the fossils found in them. |
India |
a large Asian country surrounded on three sides by the Indian Ocean. [2 definitions] |
India ink |
a black pigment made of lampblack and glue or size and shaped into cakes or sticks. [2 definitions] |
Indian |
a native or citizen of India, or a descendant thereof. [4 definitions] |
Indiana |
a Midwestern U.S. state between Illinois and Ohio. (abbr.: IN) |
Indian agent |
a U.S. government official responsible for dealing with American Indian tribes, esp. on reservations. |
Indianapolis |
the capital of Indiana. |
Indian bread |
see "corn bread." [2 definitions] |
Indian club |
a wood or metal club with a long neck, like a bottle, used for hand and arm exercises. |
Indian corn |
corn; maize. |
Indian file |
in single file, usu. walking. |
Indian meal |
cornmeal. |
Indian millet |
a type of grain sorghum with slender stalks; durra. |
Indian Ocean |
an ocean south of Asia that stretches from Africa to Australia; Indian. |
Indian paintbrush |
any of several herbs of the southwestern United States that bear bright orange or red spiky flowers. |
Indian pipe |
an almost leafless waxy white plant, related to heath, that lives on decayed organic matter, bears a single white flower on each stalk, and looks like a tobacco pipe. |