infest |
to spread in or overrun as a nuisance or danger. [2 definitions] |
infidel |
one who does not believe in or accept a religious faith, esp. that of Christianity or Islam. [2 definitions] |
infidelity |
unfaithfulness, esp. to marital vows; adultery. [3 definitions] |
infield |
a baseball diamond, the positions at the four corners of the diamond, or the players playing those positions as a group. (Cf. outfield.) [2 definitions] |
infielder |
a baseball player whose position is in the infield. |
infighting |
combat at close range, as in boxing. [2 definitions] |
infiltrate |
to go into or through as though by filtering, esp. for destructive purposes. [4 definitions] |
infiltration |
the slow passage of liquid through a filter or pores. [2 definitions] |
infinite |
having no bounds or limits; not measurable; limitless. [3 definitions] |
infinitesimal |
of a thing or quantity, too small to be measured or calculated. [2 definitions] |
infinitive |
in grammar, the form of a verb that is unmarked for person, tense, or aspect, and that functions as a noun, adjective, or complement, such as "to leave" in "To leave now would be a mistake". [2 definitions] |
infinitude |
the quality or condition of being infinite. [2 definitions] |
infinity |
the character or condition of being infinite. [5 definitions] |
infirm |
weak or ill, as from old age. [2 definitions] |
infirmary |
a place for the care of the ill or injured, such as a hospital or clinic, or a space devoted to such care in an institutional residence such as a school or camp. |
infirmity |
a physical weakness, disability, or illness. [3 definitions] |
infix |
to fasten, set, or drive in. [5 definitions] |
in flagrante delicto |
see "flagrante delicto." |
inflame |
to excite, arouse, or intensify (the emotions or passions). [4 definitions] |
inflammable |
capable of catching fire and burning, or easy to set aflame and burn; flammable. [2 definitions] |
inflammation |
the act or an instance of being inflamed. [2 definitions] |