influenza |
an acute, contagious disease in various forms, caused by a virus in humans and in some animals and characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract, irritation of the stomach, and fever; flu. |
influx |
the act or an instance of flowing in. [2 definitions] |
info |
shortened form of "information." |
infold |
to enfold or fold in. |
infomercial |
a long commercial in the form of a television program. |
inform |
to communicate knowledge to; tell. [4 definitions] |
informal |
not formal or ceremonious; casual. [3 definitions] |
informality |
the condition of being informal; lack of formality; casualness. [2 definitions] |
informant |
one who gives information. |
informatics |
a branch of science dealing with the storage and processing of data. |
information |
knowledge or facts that come from investigation, observation, or study. [4 definitions] |
informative |
providing information, or adding to one's knowledge or understanding. |
informed |
having, showing, or using information. [2 definitions] |
informer |
one who secretly provides incriminating information about another, esp. for reward. |
infra- |
beneath; below. |
infraction |
an act or instance of breaking or violating, usu. a rule or law; violation or breach. |
infra dig |
(informal) beneath one's dignity. |
infrangible |
impossible to break; unbreakable. [2 definitions] |
infrared |
the invisible electromagnetic radiation next to and longer in wavelength than those of the visible red end of the spectrum. [2 definitions] |
infrasonic |
of, concerning, or denoting sound waves below the audible frequencies. |
infrastructure |
the basic facilities and equipment, esp. of a technological nature, that are necessary for a system or organization to function. |