infrastructure |
the basic facilities and equipment, esp. of a technological nature, that are necessary for a system or organization to function. |
infrequent |
happening seldom or at long intervals. [3 definitions] |
infringe |
to cross established limits; encroach; trespass (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). [2 definitions] |
infringement |
a violation or breaking, as of a law, rule, or contract. [2 definitions] |
in front of |
directly ahead of in place or position. |
in full |
in the complete or required amount. |
in full swing |
at the point of greatest intensity, activity, or momentum. |
infuriate |
to cause fury in (someone); enrage. |
infuriated |
extremely angry; filled with fury. |
infuriating |
causing or tending to cause great irritation or anger. |
infuse |
to introduce or inject, as if by pouring; instill (usu. fol. by "into"). [2 definitions] |
infusible1 |
not able to be melted or fused. |
infusible2 |
able to be infused. |
infusion |
something added or introduced. [3 definitions] |
infusorian |
any of a large number of microscopic organisms, such as protozoa, found in stagnant water or in infusions of decayed or decaying organic matter. |
-ing1 |
used to form the present participle of verbs. |
-ing2 |
activity, or an instance or result of (such) activity. [2 definitions] |
in general |
not considering details that do not agree with the rule; usually; generally. [2 definitions] |
ingenious |
having or showing cleverness or creativity, esp. in designing or in solving problems. [2 definitions] |
ingénue |
an inexperienced or artless girl or the role of a such a girl in a dramatic presentation. [2 definitions] |
ingenuity |
the quality or an instance of being ingenious; cleverness; creativity. [2 definitions] |