innovate |
to propose or implement a new method, approach, idea, or the like; make inventive changes. [2 definitions] |
innovation |
a new method, approach, idea, or the like. [2 definitions] |
innovative |
produced through or resulting in innovation; new and inventive. [2 definitions] |
innovator |
one who innovates. |
Inns of Court |
the four legal societies in England that have the exclusive right to admit law students to the bar. [2 definitions] |
innuendo |
an indirect and usu. derogatory hint, allusion, or insinuation. [2 definitions] |
innumerable |
very many. [2 definitions] |
inoculate |
to inject or otherwise infect (a person or animal) with a virus or microorganism, esp. in order to create immunity to a disease. [3 definitions] |
inoculation |
the act or process, or an instance of inoculating. [2 definitions] |
inoffensive |
having no annoying, offending, or harmful qualities; innocuous. |
in one ear and out the other |
heard, but with little or no notice paid. |
in one's favor |
to one's advantage. [2 definitions] |
in one's own right |
because of one's own talent or self. |
in one's pocket |
under one's control. |
in one's shirt sleeves |
not wearing a coat. |
in one's stocking feet |
wearing socks or stockings but no shoes. |
in one's way |
in one's path or blocking one's path. [2 definitions] |
inoperable |
not curable or improvable by surgery. [2 definitions] |
inoperative |
not in working condition; not functioning. [2 definitions] |
inopportune |
occurring at an undesirable or unreasonable time. |
in order |
in accord with parliamentary rules. [2 definitions] |