instrumentality |
the means by which something is done; agency. [2 definitions] |
instrumentally |
by, using, or with an instrument. [2 definitions] |
instrumentation |
the method or practice of arranging music for instruments. [3 definitions] |
instrument landing |
a landing accomplished only by means of the instruments of an aircraft and signals from the ground, rather than by visual observation. |
instrument panel |
a panel of meters, gauges, and controls, as in an automobile, aircraft, or spacecraft. |
in stud |
for hire for breeding, as a stallion. |
insubordinate |
unwilling to respect or submit to authority; disobedient. [2 definitions] |
insubordination |
unwillingness to obey orders or submit to authority. |
insubstantial |
lacking firmness or substance; not substantial; slight. [2 definitions] |
insufferable |
incapable of being tolerated or endured; unbearable. |
insufficiency |
the quality or condition of being insufficient; deficiency; lack. [2 definitions] |
insufficient |
inadequate in number, degree, amount, or quality; not sufficient. |
insular |
of or relating to an island or the formation of an island. [4 definitions] |
insularity |
the condition of being closed to new ideas or outside influences; narrow-mindedness. |
insulate |
to cover, line, or surround with a substance that reduces or stops the transfer of heat, electricity, or sound. [2 definitions] |
insulation |
material used to insulate. [2 definitions] |
insulator |
a person, thing, or material that insulates. [2 definitions] |
insulin |
a hormone of the pancreas that controls the metabolism of carbohydrates by regulating the level of glucose in the blood. [2 definitions] |
insulin shock |
hypoglycemia caused by excessive insulin in the blood, and characterized by shakiness, cold sweat, convulsions, and eventually coma. |
insult |
to offend by speaking to or treating rudely or contemptuously. [4 definitions] |
insulting |
causing offense or a feeling of being disrespected. |