insulting |
causing offense or a feeling of being disrespected. |
in sum |
in concise form or summary. |
insuperable |
not able to be conquered or overcome. |
insupportable |
not tolerable; unbearable. [2 definitions] |
insurance |
a guarantee of protection against certain misfortunes that is provided by a company in return for payment of a fee. [3 definitions] |
insure |
to guarantee against loss or harm, as with an insurance policy. [6 definitions] |
insured |
someone protected by an insurance policy. |
insurer |
someone or something that insures, esp. a person or company in the business of guaranteeing protection or compensation in case of loss or harm. |
insurgence |
an insurrection; rebellion. |
insurgency |
an armed rebellion against a government, usu. one's own. [2 definitions] |
insurgent |
one who uses armed force to rebel against one's own government. [4 definitions] |
insurmountable |
not capable of being conquered or overcome; not surmountable. |
insurrection |
an act or instance of open rebellion against a government or other authority; uprising. |
insusceptible |
not capable of being affected, as by disease or external influences; not susceptible. |
in sync |
occurring, moving, or working together at the same time and rate; in unison; synchronized. [2 definitions] |
intact |
remaining complete, whole, or undamaged; not changed or impaired. |
intaglio |
a design that is carved into the surface of a hard substance, such as stone, or the process of carving such a design. [3 definitions] |
intake |
the place at which a liquid or gas is taken into a pipe or other conduit. [3 definitions] |
in tandem |
in single file. [2 definitions] |
intangible |
incapable of being sensed by touch; not tangible. [3 definitions] |
intarsia |
a decorative inlay, usu. a mosaic made of wood. [2 definitions] |