interact |
of two or more people, to act in conjunction with and in response to one another in a particular situation; or, of one person, to act in conjunction with and in response to another person or persons. [2 definitions] |
interaction |
action each upon the other or others; reciprocal action, influence, or effect. |
interactive |
acting or able to act with one another or upon one another. [2 definitions] |
interactive whiteboard |
a large electronic display surface that is positioned on a wall or stand and connected with a computer and projector, allowing for the projection of a computer's screen onto the display. As the display is sensitive to touch, a user can direct the computer and control what is seen on the board by touching the surface with a stylus, finger, or the like. |
inter-African |
combined form of African. |
interagency |
combined form of agency. |
inter alia |
(Latin) among other things. |
interallelic |
combined form of allelic. |
inter-American |
combined form of American. |
interannual |
combined form of annual. |
interassociation |
combined form of association. |
interatomic |
combined form of atomic. |
interbasin |
combined form of basin. |
interbehavior |
combined form of behavior. |
interbehavioral |
combined form of behavioral. |
interborough |
combined form of borough. |
interbranch |
combined form of branch. |
interbreed |
to cause to breed with an individual of a different kind or species; crossbreed. [4 definitions] |
intercalary |
of a day or month, inserted into the calendar to bring the calendar year into correspondence with the solar year. [2 definitions] |
intercalate |
to insert (an extra day or month) in the calendar. [2 definitions] |
intercalibration |
combined form of calibration. |