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j the tenth letter of the English alphabet. [2 definitions]
jab to prod or poke, esp. with a pointed object. [4 definitions]
jabber to speak or make sounds like speech, quickly or at length, but without making much sense or creating much interest in the listener; babble. [2 definitions]
Jabberwocky in the nineteenth-century tale Through the Looking Glass, a poem containing many nonsense words. [2 definitions]
jabot a decorative ruffle on the front of a blouse or shirt that hangs down from the neck, formerly worn by men and now worn mostly by women.
jacal a hut made of closely set wooden stakes that is plastered with mud and roofed with straw or rushes, found in Mexico and the southwestern United States.
jacamar an exotic tropical American bird having iridescent green plumage and a long bill.
jacaranda any of several tropical American trees of the bignonia family, with compound leaves and clusters of pale purple flowers. [2 definitions]
jacinth a reddish orange zircon or similar mineral, used as a gemstone. [2 definitions]
jack any of a number of devices used to lift all or a part of a heavy object a short distance, as by leverage or hydraulic pressure. [7 definitions]
jack- male; man. [2 definitions]
jackal any of a number of wild Asian and African dogs, closely related to the wolf, that are esp. known for scavenging and for attacking small or weakened prey. [2 definitions]
jackanapes an arrogant, insolent young man.
jackass a male donkey or ass. [2 definitions]
jackboot a sturdy leather boot extending above the knee, used by the military, police, and the like. [2 definitions]
jackbooted marked by bullying brutality, as police or military tactics against civilians.
jackdaw a shiny black bird originating in Europe and related to the crow.
jacket a short coat that extends to the waist or hip, used as an outer garment or as part of a suit. [3 definitions]
jacketless combined form of jacket.
Jack Frost the personification of frost or cold weather.
jackfruit a fast-growing, tropical, Asian tree that produces very large, edible fruits and wood that can be used in construction and in making furniture and other items. [2 definitions]