Johnny-come-lately |
a latecomer to a certain place, viewpoint, or fashion. |
Johnny-on-the-spot |
(informal) a person who is prepared to act whenever necessary, or who arrives immediately. |
Johnson grass |
a coarse perennial grass grown for animal forage, but often growing as a troublesome weed. |
Johnson noise |
the thermal background noise heard on a radio receiver. |
John the Baptist |
according to the New Testament, a minister, born shortly before Jesus Christ, who foretold the coming of the Messiah in the person of Jesus and later baptized him. |
joie de vivre |
joy of living (French); the intense pleasure one takes from being alive. |
join |
to put, bring, fasten, or connect together. [8 definitions] |
joinable |
combined form of join. |
joiner |
a person or thing that joins. [3 definitions] |
join in |
to begin to participate in an activity with others. |
joint |
a place or point at which two or more parts come together or are connected; junction. [13 definitions] |
joint account |
a bank or stock account in the names of two or more people, all of whom may withdraw funds from it. |
Joint Chiefs of Staff |
the principal military advisory body to the President of the United States, consisting of the chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. |
joint committee |
a committee consisting of members from both houses of a bicameral legislature, or from two or more organizations. |
jointly |
done by two or more people or organizations together; in common. |
joint resolution |
a resolution passed by both houses of a bicameral legislature. |
joint return |
a single U.S. income tax return combining the individual incomes of a married couple. |
joint-stock company |
a company organized like a corporation except that stockholders are liable for debts. |
jointure |
a granting of property to a woman by her intended husband, such property to be retained by her after his death. (See dower, dowry.) |
jointweed |
an herb related to buckwheat, having jointed stems and bearing clusters of small white flowers. |
joist |
any of usu. many small beams placed horizontally from one side of a room or building to the other, to which a ceiling or floorboards are to be attached. [2 definitions] |