knavery |
an act or behavior characteristic of a knave; dishonest dealing; trickery. |
knavish |
characteristic of a knave; dishonest or tricky. |
knead |
to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling, esp. with the hands. [2 definitions] |
kneadable |
combined form of knead. |
knee |
the joint between the upper and lower portions of the human leg. [4 definitions] |
knee breeches |
trousers that extend to just below the knees. |
kneecap |
the flat, roughly circular bone located in front of the knee joint; patella. |
knee-deep |
deep enough to reach the knees. [3 definitions] |
knee-high |
reaching as high as the knees. |
kneehole |
a space for the knees, as beneath a desk. |
knee-jerk |
(informal) characterized by or responding in an automatic, predictable way. |
kneel |
to rest on the knee or knees. |
kneepad |
a protective pad worn on the knee, esp. by athletes such as basketball or volleyball players, cyclists, and the like. |
knell |
the sound produced by a bell rung solemnly, as for a funeral. [6 definitions] |
knelt |
a past tense and past participle of kneel. |
Knesset |
the legislative assembly of Israel. |
knew |
past tense of know. |
Knickerbocker |
a descendant of the Dutch settlers of New York. [3 definitions] |
knicker box |
a children's game of the past in which players roll marbles into a box, the object being for the marbles to travel through arches in the center of the box without bouncing back. |
knickers |
fairly loose, knee-length trousers gathered on each leg at a band just below the knee; knickerbockers. [3 definitions] |
knickknack |
a small decorative object. |