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know perceive directly or be aware of something through learning or observation. [7 definitions]
knowable capable of being understood or known.
know by sight to be able to recognize (someone) by their physical appearance but not have any further acquaintance.
know-how (informal) the specialized knowledge needed to perform a certain task.
knowing having knowledge or understanding. [4 definitions]
know-it-all (informal) a person who acts as if he or she knows almost everything.
knowledge familiarity, awareness, or understanding. [4 definitions]
knowledgeable having knowledge; informed.
known past participle of know. [3 definitions]
know-nothing an uninformed, ignorant person; ignoramus. [2 definitions]
known quantity (informal) a person, thing, attribute, or the like that is considered to be familiar or accepted. [2 definitions]
know of to be aware of; have heard about.
know the ropes (informal) to be or become acquainted with the techniques or procedures pertinent to a particular situation, organization, or the like.
know which side one's bread is buttered on to be very aware of what is advantageous to one.
knuckle any of the rounded joints of a finger, esp. the joint that connects the finger to the hand. [4 definitions]
knuckle ball in baseball, a slow pitch thrown with the knuckles or tips of two or three fingers pressed against the ball, causing it to waver and jump; knuckler.
knucklebone the rounded bone of a knuckle or joint.
knuckle down to start working in a concentrated manner; apply oneself seriously.
knucklehead (informal) a stupid, inept person; fool.
knuckle joint any joint between two bones that forms a knuckle. [2 definitions]
knuckle under to give in under pressure; yield.