Ku Klux Klan |
a secret society organized and active in the southern United States after the Civil War, which sought to regain white supremacy over newly freed blacks. [2 definitions] |
kulak |
in czarist Russia, a relatively well-off or landholding peasant. |
kumiss |
the fermented milk of a mare or camel, used as a beverage by Asian nomads. [2 definitions] |
kümmel |
a colorless liqueur flavored with caraway seeds, cumin, anise, and the like. |
kumquat |
a type of citrus tree bearing a small, edible fruit. [2 definitions] |
kung fu |
any of various Chinese systems of self-defense involving fluid, circular movements of the hands and legs and requiring great practice and skill. (Cf. karate.) |
Kunming |
a city in south central China. |
Kunming Lake |
the sixth-largest freshwater lake in China, located in Beijing. |
Kuomintang |
the main political party of China from 1911 to 1948, and of Taiwan since 1948. |
Kurd |
a member of a Muslim people that lives in southeastern Turkey, northern Iran and Iraq, and the Caucasus. |
Kurdish |
of or pertaining to the Kurds or their culture, language, or the like. [2 definitions] |
kuru |
a fatal viral disease that affects the nervous system, occurring in New Guinea. |
kurus |
the smaller monetary unit of Turkey. (Cf. lira.) |
Kutenai |
a member of a tribe of North American Indians of the northwestern United States and western Canada. [2 definitions] |
kuvasz |
any of a Hungarian breed of dog with a large strong body covered by long wavy white fur. |
Kuwait |
a Middle Eastern country at the northern end of the Persian Gulf. |
kv |
abbreviation of "kilovolt," or "kilovolts," a unit of electromotive force equal to one thousand volts. |
kw |
abbreviation of "kilowatt," or "kilowatts," a unit of electrical power equal to one thousand watts. |
kwacha |
the chief monetary unit of Malawi, equaling one hundred tambala. [2 definitions] |
kwanza |
the chief monetary unit of Angola, equaling one hundred lwei. |
Kwanzaa |
an African-American festival, celebrating family, community, and culture, held from December 26 to January 1. |