learn |
to gain knowledge of through study, experience, or research. [5 definitions] |
learnable |
combined form of learn. |
learned |
well-educated; knowledgeable; scholarly. [3 definitions] |
learner's permit |
A paper that you get from the state that gives you permission to learn to drive. You must have a learner's permit before you get a driver's license. |
learning |
knowledge gained through systematic study. [2 definitions] |
learning disability |
any of various conditions, thought to be associated with the nervous system, that cause difficulty in mastering a basic skill such as reading. |
learnt |
a past tense and a past participle of "learn." |
learn the ropes |
(informal) to be or become acquainted with the techniques or procedures pertinent to a particular situation, organization, or the like. |
lease |
a contract or agreement for the occupancy or use of one party's property by another for a specified period of time and in exchange for monetary or other compensation; rental agreement. [5 definitions] |
leasehold |
the holding of a property by lease, or the property so held. |
leash |
a length of leather, chain, rope, or the like, attached to the collar of an animal in order to lead it or keep it under control. [3 definitions] |
least |
superlative of "little." [5 definitions] |
least common denominator |
the smallest number that two or more fractions share as a common denominator; lowest common denominator. |
least common multiple |
the smallest number into which each of two or more whole numbers is exactly divisible. |
leastwise |
(informal) at any rate; at least; anyway. |
leather |
the tanned or preserved skin of an animal, usu. with the hair or fur removed. [5 definitions] |
leatherback |
the largest living sea turtle, characterized by its leathery upper shell, which can reach a length of over eight feet. |
leatherneck |
(slang) a United States marine. |
leatherwood |
a shrub, native to North America, having tough, flexible bark and bearing yellow flowers. |
leathery |
similar to leather in appearance or texture; weathered. |
leave1 |
to depart or go away from. [10 definitions] |