legless |
combined form of leg. |
legman |
anyone whose job is to run errands or gather information. |
leg-of-mutton |
having a shape similar to a leg of mutton, esp. designating the sleeves of some garments that puff at the shoulder and narrow at the wrist. |
legroom |
space sufficient for one to stretch out or change the position of one's legs comfortably while sitting. |
legume |
any of the family of plants, including beans and peas, that bear their seeds and fruit in pods and have roots containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria. [2 definitions] |
leguminous |
of, being, or resembling a legume. |
leg warmers |
a pair of tubular coverings for the legs, usu. knitted from wool or the like, used esp. to keep the legs warm while exercising or dancing. |
legwork |
(informal) work that requires extensive walking or traveling. |
lei1 |
in Hawaii, a wreath or garland of flowers, usu. worn around the neck. |
lei2 |
pl. of leu. |
Leif Ericsson |
a Nordic explorer who was the first known European to set foot on mainland North America (b.980?--d.1020?). |
leisure |
freedom from work or other duties or responsibilities that require time and effort; free time. |
leisurely |
unhurried; slow. [2 definitions] |
leisure suit |
a casual suit, worn by men, having a shirtlike jacket and matching pants. |
leitmotif |
a recurrent theme in a musical piece or literary work that is associated with a particular character, thing, or situation. |
lek1 |
the chief monetary unit of Albania, equaling one hundred qintar. |
lek2 |
an area used for courtship displays by male animals, esp. the prairie chicken. |
lemming |
any of various mouselike, short-tailed, arctic rodents, esp. the European species which is noted for mass migrations that periodically result in large numbers drowning at sea. |
lemon |
a small oval citrus fruit with yellow skin and sour juice. [5 definitions] |
lemonade |
sweetened lemon juice diluted with water. |
lemon drop |
a type of small, hard, lemon-flavored candy that is often coated with sugar. |