Levant morocco |
a fine grade of morocco leather with a large, prominent grain, often used for bookbinding. |
levator |
a muscle that raises a part of the body such as a finger, arm, or eyebrow. [2 definitions] |
levee1 |
an embankment built to channel and contain river water against flooding. [4 definitions] |
levee2 |
a reception, usu. held at a noble person's court. |
level |
having a flat, even surface. [15 definitions] |
level crossing |
(chiefly British) a crossing, esp. a railroad crossing. |
leveler |
someone or something that levels. |
levelheaded |
having or showing good judgment and composure; sensible. |
leveling rod |
a graduated rod used in surveying to measure differences in elevation between two points. |
lever |
any of a class of basic tools consisting of a rigid bar or an equivalent, acting by pivoting around a fixed fulcrum to transfer applied force from one point to another. [3 definitions] |
leverage |
the type of action that a lever has. [5 definitions] |
leveraged buyout |
the takeover of a corporation by a group of investors using borrowed money that is secured by the assets of the corporation being acquired. |
leveret |
any hare that is under one year old. |
Levi |
according to the Old Testament, the son of Jacob and Leah from whom one of the twelve tribes of Israel is descended. [2 definitions] |
leviable |
combined form of levy. |
leviathan |
a Biblical sea monster. [3 definitions] |
Levi's |
trademark for close-fitting trousers usu. of denim or corduroy. |
levitate |
to rise and float, apparently without hindrance from the force of gravity. [2 definitions] |
Levite |
according to the Old Testament, a member of the tribe of Levi. |
Levitical |
of or pertaining to the Levites. [2 definitions] |
Leviticus |
the third book of the Old Testament, which contains laws and instructions for religious worship. |