liability |
the condition of or potential for being held responsible. [3 definitions] |
liable |
held responsible by law. [3 definitions] |
liaison |
a communication link between groups or between parts of an organization, or a person or group that performs this function. [3 definitions] |
liana |
a tropical high-climbing, woody vine. |
liar |
one who speaks lies instead of truth. |
lib |
(informal) liberation, esp. from oppression, inequality, or persecution. |
libation |
(informal) a drink, esp. an alcoholic drink. [2 definitions] |
libel |
in law, written or printed matter that is false, damages a person's reputation or material well-being, and arises from malice or extreme negligence. (See slander.) [5 definitions] |
libelous |
containing or being a libel; falsely and maliciously defamatory. |
liberal |
freely giving; generous. [8 definitions] |
liberal arts |
the subjects that make up a college degree program, such as literature, history, and philosophy, that emphasize the development of cultural awareness and critical skills rather than practical training for a career or profession. |
liberal education |
an education based on the liberal arts. |
liberalism |
the condition or quality of being liberal. [2 definitions] |
liberality |
openness and generosity. [3 definitions] |
liberalize |
to make or become more liberal. |
liberate |
to free or release, esp. from bondage, oppression, or captivity. [2 definitions] |
liberation |
the act of liberating, or an instance or state of being liberated. [2 definitions] |
liberation theology |
a kind of Catholic theology, practiced esp. by clergy members in Central and South America, advocating social activism against political, economic, or social oppression. |
Liberia |
a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast. |
libertarian |
one who espouses liberty of thought and action as the primary value. [3 definitions] |
libertine |
a person who acts without moral restraint or conscience, esp. in sexual behavior. [2 definitions] |