license plate |
a metal tag or plate displayed on a motor vehicle and bearing a registration number that qualifies the vehicle as legal to drive on public highways and roads. |
licentiate |
a person who has been granted a license to practice a specified profession. [3 definitions] |
licentious |
not within the bounds of morality or propriety, esp. with regard to sexual conduct; immoral; lewd. |
lichee |
a variant of litchi. |
lichen |
any of various organisms resulting from the symbiotic association of a photosynthetic alga with a fungus, giving rise to a usu. greenish or reddish undifferentiated mass with a scaly, crustlike, or branching form. [2 definitions] |
licit |
allowed or permitted by law; lawful. |
lick |
to pass the tongue over or along the surface of. [11 definitions] |
lickety-split |
(informal) with great rapidity. |
licking |
(informal) a thrashing or beating, esp. given as punishment. [2 definitions] |
lick into shape |
to complete satisfactorily through hard work or discipline. |
lick one's chops |
to anticipate or await with keen pleasure. |
lickspittle |
a fawning flatterer; toady. |
licorice |
a European plant of the legume family, having a strong, sweet odor and flavor similar to anise. [3 definitions] |
lictor |
in ancient Rome, a minor official who carried the fasces and cleared the way for the chief magistrates whenever they made a public appearance. |
lid |
a hinged or removable cover for a container such as a dish, jar, or trunk. [6 definitions] |
lidless |
combined form of lid. |
lidocaine |
a synthetic crystalline compound used as a local anesthetic and in controlling an erratic heartbeat. |
lie1 |
an untrue statement made on purpose; intentional falsehood. [5 definitions] |
lie2 |
to be in or place oneself in a flat, horizontal, or reclining position. [8 definitions] |
liebfraumilch |
(sometimes cap.) a white Rhine wine produced in Germany. |
Liechtenstein |
a tiny central European country between Switzerland and Austria. |