live load |
any variable weight added to the intrinsic weight of a structure, such as people in a building or moving traffic on a bridge. (Cf. dead load.) |
livelong |
whole; entire; complete. |
lively |
full of life or vitality. [6 definitions] |
liven |
to make more lively or energetic; rouse; inspirit (often fol. by "up"). [2 definitions] |
liven up |
to make (someone or something) more lively, exciting, or energetic. [2 definitions] |
live oak |
any of various evergreen oaks of the southeastern or southwestern United States. [2 definitions] |
liver1 |
a large reddish brown organ in vertebrates that secretes bile and cleanses the blood and is located in the abdominal cavity. [3 definitions] |
liver2 |
someone who lives in a particular, specified manner. [2 definitions] |
liver3 |
comparative of "live2". |
liveried |
clothed in livery, as a servant. |
liverish |
similar to liver, esp. in color. [3 definitions] |
liver spot |
a red, black, or yellowish brown spot or area on the skin, formerly thought to be caused by malfunctioning of the liver. |
liverwort |
any of numerous moss-related, flowerless plants that grow in wet places or on tree trunks. |
liverwurst |
a kind of sausage made chiefly of liver. |
livery |
a uniform worn by a male servant such as a footman or chauffeur. [4 definitions] |
liveryman |
one who owns or is employed in a livery stable. |
livery stable |
a stable where horses may be boarded or horses and carriages may be hired. |
lives |
pl. of life. |
livestock |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) domestic animals, such as cows, horses, or sheep, raised or kept on a farm or ranch. |
live up to |
to act or succeed in a way that is equal to (certain expectations). [2 definitions] |
live wire |
a wire or other electric conductor that is carrying electric current. [2 definitions] |