London broil |
a piece of beef, often from the flank, that is usu. marinated and broiled, and served in thin slices. |
lone |
without companions; solitary. [3 definitions] |
loneliness |
the feeling of sadness that may be felt when being without the company or caring support of other people or when feeling disconnected from those around one. |
lonely |
sad because of being without companionship; lonesome. [4 definitions] |
lonely heart |
a single person who is looking for companionship or a marriage partner. |
lonely-hearts |
of or relating to single persons who are looking for companions or marriage partners. |
loner |
one who stays alone much of the time, esp. by choice or inclination. |
lonesome |
sad or depressed because of being isolated or without friends or companions. [3 definitions] |
lone wolf |
(informal) a person who chooses to work or live alone; loner. |
long1 |
of relatively great extent in distance or time. [10 definitions] |
long2 |
to yearn or desire (often fol. by "for"). |
long. |
abbreviation of "longitude," the angular distance on the earth's surface east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, measured either in degrees or in hours, minutes, and seconds. |
longboat |
the longest and largest boat carried by a merchant sailing ship. |
longbow |
a large wooden bow, usu. about five to six feet long, used to shoot arrows. |
longcloth |
a fine-quality white cotton fabric, made in long pieces. |
long distance |
nonlocal telephone service. |
long division |
a procedure of dividing one number by another number, in which each step, with its subtraction and its remainder, is written down in full. |
long-drawn-out |
continuing or lasting for a long time; prolonged. |
longevity |
long life. [3 definitions] |
long face |
an unhappy, sad, or discontented facial expression. |
longhair |
(informal) someone with long hair, esp. when hair length symbolizes protest against conventional values. [5 definitions] |