longhair |
(informal) someone with long hair, esp. when hair length symbolizes protest against conventional values. [5 definitions] |
longhand |
writing done by hand in which words are written out in full. (Cf. shorthand). |
long-headed |
having an esp. long head; dolichocephalic. [2 definitions] |
longhorn |
one of a breed of beef cattle with long horns that was once common in the southwestern United States and is now nearly extinct. |
long house |
a long wooden dwelling shared by many families, esp. of the Iroquois or other North American Indian tribes. |
longing |
a strong and persistent desire, esp. for something not easily attained. |
longingly |
with strong and persistent desire, especially for something not easily attained. |
longish |
rather long. |
Long Island |
an island in southeastern New York State that includes two of the boroughs of New York City. |
longitude |
the angular distance on the earth's surface east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, measured either in degrees or in hours, minutes, and seconds. |
longitudinal |
of or relating to longitude or length. [4 definitions] |
long johns |
(informal) long underwear. |
long jump |
in competitive track sports, a jump for horizontal distance with a running start. |
long-lasting |
continuing for a long time. |
long-lived |
having or having had a long life. [2 definitions] |
long-playing |
pertaining to a phonograph record meant to be played at thirty-three and one third revolutions per minute. (See "LP.") |
long-range |
involving or relating to a period of time relatively far in the future. [2 definitions] |
longshoreman |
a man whose job is to load and unload ships; dock worker. |
long shot |
in betting, a choice that has very little chance of winning, such as a horse in a race. [3 definitions] |
long-sighted |
farsighted. |
longstanding |
existing or having existed for a long time. |