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low-spirited in low spirits; depressed; dejected; sad.
Low Sunday the first Sunday after Easter.
low-tech not involving or using complex or specialized technology. [2 definitions]
low-tension of, carrying, or operating under relatively low voltage.
low-test of low-octane gasoline, having low volatility and a high boiling point.
low tide the tide at its lowest ebb, or the time at which this occurs. [2 definitions]
low water the lowest level reached by a body of water, such as a lake or river in the dry season. [2 definitions]
low-water mark the lowest point reached by a low tide, or the lowest level of a body of water. [2 definitions]
lox1 a variety of smoked salmon.
lox2 liquid oxygen, used esp. to oxidize rocket fuel.
loyal showing steady adherence, service, or faithfulness, as to a government, group, person, ideal, or the like (often fol. by "to").
loyalist someone who is loyal to a government, organization, or leader, esp. in a time of crisis. [2 definitions]
loyalty the condition of being faithful or loyal. [2 definitions]
lozenge a small piece of medicated hard candy, sucked to ease a sore throat or cough.
LP abbreviation of "long-playing (record album)," a phonograph record meant to be played at thirty-three and one third revolutions per minute, or the music or other recorded material contained on it.
LPG abbreviation of "liquefied petroleum gas."
Lr symbol of the chemical element lawrencium.
LSD a powerful hallucinogenic drug, sometimes used in medical studies, as of schizophrenia; lysergic acid dimethylamide; LSD-25.
LSM abbreviation of "landing ship medium."
LST abbreviation of "landing ship, tank," a seagoing military vessel designed during World War II to support amphibious operations, and used primarily to land troops, supplies, vehicles, and heavy equipment onto beaches.
Lt. abbreviation of "Lieutenant."