magnetism |
the qualities and properties associated with magnets; ability to attract. [3 definitions] |
magnetite |
a black, naturally occurring oxide of iron that is attracted to magnets and is important commercially as a source of iron. |
magnetize |
to cause to become a magnet. [2 definitions] |
magneto |
a device for producing an electric current, consisting of a coil of wire that rotates within the force field of a permanent magnet. |
magnetoelectric |
of, indicating, or relating to electricity produced by magnets or magnetic fields. |
magnetohydrodynamics |
(used with a sing. verb) the branch of physics concerned with the behavior of electrically conductive fluids, such as ionized gas or molten metal, in a magnetic field. |
magnetometer |
a device for determining the strength and direction of magnetic fields, esp. that of the earth. |
magneton |
a unit used to express the magnetic moment of an atomic or subatomic particle. |
magnetopause |
the outer limit of the area in which a planet's magnetic field is stronger than the interplanetary field. |
magnetosphere |
a region between five hundred and several thousand miles above the earth's surface, in which charged particles are trapped by the earth's magnetic field. |
magnetron |
a vacuum tube that produces microwaves by the action of an external magnetic field on electrons in the tube. |
magni- |
large; great. |
Magnificat |
a canticle of praise sung by the Virgin Mary in the Bible. [2 definitions] |
magnification |
the act, process, or product of magnifying or being magnified. [2 definitions] |
magnificence |
the quality of being grand or splendid. |
magnificent |
very grand or splendid; extremely impressive in size or beauty. [2 definitions] |
magnifico |
formerly, a nobleman of Venice. [2 definitions] |
magnify |
to cause to appear larger, as through the use of a lens. [4 definitions] |
magnifying glass |
a lens that enlarges the image of objects seen through it. |
magniloquent |
pompous, grandiose, or overblown in speech or expression. |
magnitude |
size, extent, or dimension. [4 definitions] |