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majuscule of written or printed letters, capital or large. (Cf. minuscule.) [3 definitions]
make to bring into being by constructing from separate parts. [19 definitions]
make a bed to arrange the sheets and other coverings over a bed so that it is fully covered and looking very or somewhat neat.
makeable combined form of make.
make a dent (informal) to make an impression; influence.
make a dent in to make progress, esp. by lessening a burden. [2 definitions]
make a difference to have an impact or effect; to be of importance in some way. [2 definitions]
make a face to adopt an annoyed, repulsed, or intentionally silly and comical expression on one's face.
make a fire to arrange wood, paper, or other materials in such a way that they will burn together and then use a lighter or other device to start the materials burning.
make a living to earn money to support one's life.
make allowance (or allowances) for to be lenient toward (someone) due to knowing and understanding why a certain behavior has occurred; excuse; pardon. [2 definitions]
make amends to try to satisfy someone for offensive or injurious behavior.
make a monkey out of to make (someone) appear ridiculous; embarrass; dupe.
make a mountain out of a molehill to imagine something to be much more significant or more of a problem than it really is.
make a spectacle of oneself to behave disreputably or foolishly in public.
make-believe invention; pretending. [2 definitions]
make believe to pretend or imagine.
make both ends meet to make enough money to pay for essential things.
make do to manage, despite insufficiencies or adversity.
make ends meet to make enough money to pay for essential things.
make eyes at to look at with longing; flirt.