malted milk |
a powdered mixture consisting mostly of dried milk and malted cereals, or a beverage made of this. |
Maltese |
of or pertaining to Malta or its people, culture, language, or the like. [5 definitions] |
Maltese cross |
a figure or emblem of a cross having four arms equal in length and increasing in width outward, usu. with an indentation in each end. |
malt extract |
a sweet, sticky substance obtained from soaking malt in water, used esp. as a health food. |
Malthusian |
of or relating to the theory of Malthus that population increases faster than the food supply, with disastrous results, unless the population is decreased by natural calamities or sexual restraint. [2 definitions] |
malt liquor |
fermented beer or ale made from malt. |
maltose |
a water-soluble sugar formed by malt enzymes acting on starch, used in brewing and distilling, as a nutrient or sweetener in foods, and in culture media. |
maltreat |
to treat badly, esp. with physical abuse. |
maltster |
one who makes or deals in malt. |
malversation |
improper, unethical, or illegal behavior by persons in office, esp. public office. |
malware |
a software code designed to perform unwanted and unauthorized actions, esp. to steal, destroy, or damage data. |
mama |
(informal) mother. |
mamba |
any of several venomous snakes found in the African tropics, esp. a black or green tree snake. |
mambo |
a Latin American dance similar to the rhumba. [3 definitions] |
mammal |
any of the vertebrate animals that feed their babies with milk from the female mammary glands and usu. produce live young, as opposed to laying eggs. |
mammalogy |
the branch of zoology concerned with mammals. |
mammary |
of or pertaining to an organ that secretes milk, such as a breast or udder. |
mammogram |
an x-ray picture of the breast, usu. made to check for cancerous growths. |
mammography |
photography of the breast by x-ray, usu. for detection of cancerous growths. |
mammon |
(cap.) in the New Testament, material wealth personified as a false idol. [2 definitions] |
mammoth |
a very large extinct mammal related to and resembling the elephant, that lived in the Northern Hemisphere. [2 definitions] |