Maria Montessori |
Italian-born U.S. psychiatrist and educator who founded an educational method for young children that emphasizes self-directed, independent learning and nurture of the whole personality (b.1870--d.1952). |
mariculture |
the cultivation, in salt water, of marine organisms. |
Marie Curie |
a Polish-born chemist and physicist in France (b.1867--d.1934). |
marigold |
any of various garden plants that bear showy yellow, orange, or red and yellow blossoms. [2 definitions] |
marijuana |
the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, often smoked for its euphoric effect. |
marimba |
a large musical instrument similar to a xylophone, consisting of a series of graduated hardwood bars, usu. with resonators beneath them, that are struck with small mallets. |
marina |
a harbor that has docks, services, and supplies for yachts and other pleasure boats. |
marinade |
a flavored sauce in which meat, fish, or vegetables are soaked before being cooked. [2 definitions] |
marinara |
a highly seasoned tomato sauce made with garlic and spices. [2 definitions] |
marinate |
to soak in a seasoned sauce; marinade. |
marine |
of or concerning the sea; living in or caused by the sea. [7 definitions] |
Marine Corps |
a branch of the U.S. armed forces under the authority of the Department of the Navy, trained for land, sea, and aerial combat and specializing in amphibious landing operations. |
marine life |
plants and animals that live in the sea. |
mariner |
a person who oversees or assists in the navigation of a marine vessel; sailor. [2 definitions] |
marines |
a military group that fights both on land and at sea. In the United States, the marines are part of the navy. |
marine science |
the study of oceans, coastal seas, and estuaries from any of a number of perspectives, including biology, physics, chemistry, and geology. |
marionette |
a puppet whose jointed limbs are operated with strings or wires. |
mariposa lily |
a lilylike plant found in Mexico and the western United States. [2 definitions] |
marital |
of or concerning marriage. |
maritime |
of or concerning seagoing vessels, or intended for use in navigation at sea. [2 definitions] |
Maritime Provinces |
the Canadian provinces on the Atlantic coast; New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. |