Marseillaise |
(French) the national anthem of France. |
marseille |
(sometimes cap.) a thick, strong cotton fabric with figures or stripes in a raised weave, often used for bedspreads. |
marsh |
a wet, low-lying area, often thick with tall grasses; bog. |
marshal |
in the United States, a Federal officer whose duties are like those of a sheriff. [8 definitions] |
marsh gas |
a gas, mostly methane, that is produced by the decomposition of organic matter. |
marsh hawk |
see "northern harrier." |
marshland |
an area largely consisting of marshes or swamps. |
marshmallow |
a spongy confection made of corn syrup, sugar, egg whites, and gelatin. [2 definitions] |
marsh mallow |
a pink-flowered European mallow common to marshes and now growing in eastern North America, the root of which was once an ingredient in the confection known as marshmallow. |
marsh marigold |
a plant bearing bright yellow flowers that grows in marshes and lowland meadows; cowslip. |
marshy |
of, resembling, or containing a marsh or marshes. |
marsupial |
having, concerning, or being similar to an animal's external pouch or fold of skin in which young are carried in their early stage of development. [3 definitions] |
marsupium |
an external abdominal pouch or fold of skin bearing mammary glands in which a female marsupial keeps her young. |
mart |
a center for trade; market. |
marten |
any of several carnivorous weasel-like mammals of northern forests that hunt mostly in trees and have dark glossy fur. [2 definitions] |
martensite |
a hard brittle solid solution of iron and a small portion of carbon which is the main constituent of various carbon steels and is produced by chilling heated steel. |
martial |
of, pertaining to, suggestive of, or inclined to war or combat. [2 definitions] |
martial art |
(often pl.) any of various systems of self-defense, such as judo and karate, that originated in East Asia. [2 definitions] |
martial law |
a usu. temporary rule of law imposed over a civilian population by military authorities, esp. in a wartime combat zone or during the collapse of civil authority. |
Martian |
of or relating to the planet Mars. [2 definitions] |
martin |
any of several birds of the swallow family. |