math |
mathematics. |
mathematical |
of, relating to, or expressed in mathematics. [2 definitions] |
mathematician |
one who performs mathematics as a profession. [2 definitions] |
mathematics |
(used with a sing. verb) the study of numbers and forms and their properties and relationships, using symbolic representation and systematically defined methods of proof. |
matinee |
a morning or afternoon performance of a play, film, or the like. |
matins |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) in the Roman Catholic Church, the first of the seven canonical hours, or the service for this, usu. held between midnight and four A.M. [2 definitions] |
matri- |
mother. |
matriarch |
a woman who acts as head of a family, tribe, or other group of people. |
matriarchy |
a social system in which the mother is considered head of the family or other group, and ancestry and descent are reckoned on the mother's side. (Cf. patriarchy.) |
matricide |
the act or an instance of killing one's mother. [2 definitions] |
matriculate |
to enroll or be enrolled in an organization, esp. a college or university. [2 definitions] |
matrilineal |
pertaining to, derived from, or tracing descent through the mother's family. |
matrimonial |
of or relating to marriage; conjugal; marital. |
matrimony |
the act, ceremony, or sacrament of marriage. [2 definitions] |
matrimony vine |
a thorny shrub of the nightshade family that is cultivated for its foliage, small pink flowers, and red berries; boxthorn. |
matrix |
an environment that gives form to or provides for the origin or development of something. [5 definitions] |
matron |
a married woman, usu. of mature age, with an established and dignified position in the community. [2 definitions] |
matron of honor |
a married woman serving as the bride's chief attendant at a wedding. |
matte |
having a finish lacking in shine and luster; dull. [3 definitions] |
matted1 |
tangled together in a dense mass or clump. [2 definitions] |
matted2 |
having a dull, matte finish. |