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matted2 having a dull, matte finish.
matter all substances that occupy space and can be seen, otherwise sensed, or measured; material stuff of the universe. [8 definitions]
matter of course an event that is logically or naturally expected to occur.
matter-of-course occurring in the normal or logical course of events; inevitable; routine. [2 definitions]
matter-of-fact concerned with facts; unimaginative or literal. [2 definitions]
Matthew one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, traditionally regarded as the author of the first Gospel in the New Testament. [2 definitions]
matting1 a rough or coarse fabric made of hemp, straw, or the like, and used for making mats and other protective coverings. [2 definitions]
matting2 a dull, often rough surface, or the process of creating such a surface, as on a metal. [2 definitions]
mattock a tool with a flat blade fixed at a right angle on one side and an axlike blade on the other, used for digging and loosening soil.
mattress a large rectangular pad consisting of a strong fabric filled with soft material such as fiber, hair, straw, or foam rubber, and used as a cushion to sleep on. [2 definitions]
maturate to ripen or mature. [2 definitions]
maturation the act or process of becoming mature in structure, behavior, or the like.
mature fully grown or developed, as a plant, animal, or human. [9 definitions]
maturity the state of being mature or fully developed. [3 definitions]
matutinal of, relating to, or occurring in the morning; early.
matzo flat, unleavened bread, eaten esp. during Passover, or a piece of such bread.
maudlin foolishly sentimental or tearful.
maul a heavy hammer, sometimes with a wooden head, used to drive stakes, piles, or the like. [3 definitions]
maunder to speak in an aimless or foolish way; babble. [2 definitions]
Maundy Thursday the Thursday before Easter, commemorating the Last Supper and Jesus Christ's washing of the disciples' feet.
Mauritania a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Western Sahara and Senegal; Islamic Republic of Mauritania.