may |
to be allowed to. (Cf. can1.) [5 definitions] |
Maya |
a member of a highly developed ancient civilization of the Yucatan Peninsula that was destroyed by Europeans in the sixteenth century. [3 definitions] |
maya |
in Hinduism, illusion, esp. the illusory world of the senses. [2 definitions] |
Mayan |
of, designating, or pertaining to the Maya, their languages, or their culture. [3 definitions] |
May apple |
a perennial woodland plant of eastern North America producing a single white flower, a roundish edible fruit, and roots, leaves, and seeds that are poisonous. [2 definitions] |
maybe |
it may be that; possibly; perhaps. |
Mayday |
the international radiotelephone distress signal, used by ships and aircraft in need of help. |
May Day |
the first day of May, celebrated traditionally by a dance around a Maypole and the crowning of a May queen, and recently established in some countries as a holiday in honor of international labor. |
mayflower |
any of various flowers that bloom in May, esp. arbutus, anemone, hawthorn, or cowslip. [2 definitions] |
mayfly |
any of various fragile, winged insects that have a long aquatic larval stage, but that live in the adult stage for only a few hours. [2 definitions] |
mayhem |
in law, the crime of intentionally maiming or mutilating another person. [2 definitions] |
Maying |
the celebration of May Day by dancing, gathering flowers, or crowning a May queen. |
mayn't |
contracted form of "may not." |
mayo |
(informal) mayonnaise. |
mayonnaise |
a thick dressing of oil, vinegar or lemon juice, seasonings, and egg yolks, used in salads, sandwiches, and other dishes. |
mayor |
the chief official of a village, town, or city. |
mayoralty |
the position or term of office of a mayor. |
Maypole |
a high pole wreathed with flowers and ribbons around which merrymakers dance to celebrate May Day or another of the holidays of spring or summer. |
May queen |
a girl or young woman chosen as queen of the celebrants and crowned with flowers on May Day. |
Maytime |
the month of May. |
maze |
a complicated and usu. intentionally confusing network of pathways between high walls or dense hedges; labyrinth. [4 definitions] |