metropolis |
any major urban area; city. |
metropolitan |
of, pertaining to, or designating a major city, its suburbs, and other neighboring communities; urban. [7 definitions] |
Metropolitan Opera |
a U.S. opera company of world renown located in New York City. |
-metry |
science or process of measuring. |
mettle |
inherent temperament; character. [2 definitions] |
mettlesome |
spirited or courageous. |
Meursault |
a dry white wine from the Burgundy area of France. |
MeV |
a unit of energy equal to one million electron-volts. |
mew1 |
a small cry made by a cat. [2 definitions] |
mew2 |
to shut away or confine as in a cage (often fol. by "up"). |
mewl |
to cry or whine in a weak manner; whimper. |
mews |
urban stables or carriage houses, esp. in England, that were built along an alley or grouped around a court, many of which have subsequently been converted into small houses or apartments. |
Mexican |
of or pertaining to Mexico or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions] |
Mexican hairless |
a small dog of a breed esp. found in Mexico, having no hair on its body except for a bit on the head and tail. |
Mexican stand-off |
a position of impasse with the possibility of hostile aggression. |
Mexican War |
the war of 1846-48 between the United States and Mexico. |
Mexico |
a North American country south of the United States. [2 definitions] |
Mexico City |
the capital of Mexico. |
mezereon |
a mezereum. |
mezereum |
a low flowering shrub, native to Europe and Asia, that bears fragrant pinkish purple flowers early in spring. [2 definitions] |
mezuzah |
a small case containing a piece of parchment inscribed with Biblical passages, that is traditionally attached to the doorpost of a Jewish home. |