militarist |
a person who adheres to militarism. |
militarize |
to make ready for military conflict. [2 definitions] |
military |
of or pertaining to warfare or preparation for war. [3 definitions] |
military attaché |
a military officer assigned to a diplomatic post in a foreign country. |
military coup |
the sudden and forceful attempt of a military group to seize state power; coup d'état. |
military-industrial complex |
the U.S. military structure and the industries of the private sector that manufacture military supplies. |
military law |
the group of laws that deal with regulating and disciplining members of the armed forces. |
military police |
military personnel who perform police duties, esp. in respect to other military personnel. |
military science |
the study of military procedures and principles as they are put into practice during warfare. |
militate |
to serve as an influence for or against something. |
militia |
a military body of trained civilians, usu. active only in emergencies. |
militiaman |
a member of a militia. |
milk |
a white liquid produced by female mammals as food for their offspring. [7 definitions] |
milk-and-water |
lacking conviction; weak or insipid. |
milker |
a person or machine that extracts milk from an animal. [2 definitions] |
milkfed |
of an animal, fed on milk or milk products in order to obtain tender meat. |
milkfish |
a large, whitish, edible fish found in the Indian and Pacific oceans. |
milk glass |
white, opaque, or translucent glass. |
milk leg |
a painful swelling in a woman's leg occurring after childbirth, caused by clotting or inflammation of the veins. |
milkmaid |
a girl or woman who milks cows or works on a dairy farm. |
milkman |
a man who sells milk or delivers it to people's homes. |