misconduct |
improper, often unlawful behavior; misbehavior. [3 definitions] |
misconstrue |
to fail to correctly understand the meaning of; misinterpret. |
miscount |
to count or calculate incorrectly. [2 definitions] |
miscreant |
evil or malevolent; villainous. [2 definitions] |
miscue |
in sports, an error, as in handling the ball. [6 definitions] |
misdate |
to date incorrectly or assign an incorrect date to. [2 definitions] |
misdeal |
to deal (a deck of playing cards) incorrectly. [2 definitions] |
misdeed |
an unacceptable, evil, or illegal act. |
misdemeanor |
in law, a class of illegal act that is less serious than a felony and carries a lighter sentence; minor offense. |
misdiagnose |
to assign an incorrect diagnosis to. [2 definitions] |
misdirect |
to lead or direct incorrectly; give the wrong directions to. [2 definitions] |
misdo |
to do incorrectly or poorly; bungle. |
mise en scène |
(French) the way in which performers and props are arranged or directed for a theatrical or movie production. |
misemploy |
to employ wrongly; misuse. |
miser |
a greedy, ungenerous person, esp. one who lives in poor circumstances in order to hoard money. |
miserable |
extremely unhappy, remorseful, or dissatisfied; feeling misery. [5 definitions] |
Miserere |
the fifty-first psalm, or a musical setting for it. [2 definitions] |
miserly |
of, like, or characteristic of a miser; penurious or stingy. |
misery |
great unhappiness; extreme emotional distress. [3 definitions] |
misfeasance |
a normally lawful act performed in an unlawful way. (Cf. malfeasance, nonfeasance.) |
misfile |
to place in the wrong order in a filing system; file in the wrong order. |