muddle |
to cause confusion or disorder in; mix up or jumble. [6 definitions] |
muddle-headed |
mentally confused. |
muddler |
a person who does things in a confused, disorganized manner. [2 definitions] |
muddle through |
to accomplish a purpose or achieve a goal despite lack of knowledge or organization. |
muddy |
covered or smeared with, or having abundant, mud. [6 definitions] |
mudfish |
any of various fishes, such as the bowfin, inhabiting mud or muddy water. |
mud flat |
a tract of land that is covered at high tide and exposed at low tide. |
mudflow |
a large, usu. downward flow of wet earth. |
mudguard |
a shield or flap over the wheel of a vehicle to deflect mud and stones thrown by the wheel's motion. [2 definitions] |
mud hen |
any of various birds, such as the rail or coot, inhabiting marshes or wetlands. |
mud hut |
a simple dwelling made of mud. |
mudpack |
a mixture of fuller's earth, astringents, and water, applied to the face for cosmetic purposes. |
mud puppy |
any of several large aquatic salamanders of eastern North America, that have conspicuous external gills. |
mudra |
any of numerous body gestures used to tell a story, esp. in Indian classical dance. |
mudroom |
a room in a house, esp. a farmhouse, that is used for the removal and storage of wet and muddy footwear and outerwear. |
mudskipper |
any of various goby fishes of Asia and Polynesia that are able to move about on land and have a modified pectoral fin that enables them to climb mangrove roots. |
mudslide |
a flow of mud and debris down a gradual slope. |
mudslinging |
attempting to soil the reputation of an opponent by hurling malicious charges and accusations, esp. in a political contest. |
mud snake |
a bluish black burrowing snake of the southeastern United States, having a red belly and a nonvenomous spine at the tip of the tail. |
mud turtle |
any of several small freshwater turtles of the Western Hemisphere. |
muenster |
a mild, pale French cheese. |