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myrrh a sweet-smelling gum exuded by several related trees and shrubs native to India, Arabia, and East Africa, and used in perfume and incense.
myrtle any of several shrubs, esp. one found in the Mediterranean region and western Asia, that have evergreen leaves and bear pink or white flowers and aromatic, dark blue berries. [2 definitions]
myself used to emphasize me or I. [3 definitions]
mysterious full of, pertaining to, or characterized by mystery. [2 definitions]
mystery an unknown, unexplainable, or secret matter. [4 definitions]
mystery play a medieval representation, in dramatic form, of a Biblical event, esp. the life, death, or resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Cf. miracle play, morality play.)
mystic having hidden or spiritually symbolic meaning. [5 definitions]
mystical mystic. [3 definitions]
mysticism the beliefs held by mystics. [3 definitions]
mystify to cause puzzlement in, often with intent to deceive; bewilder; perplex.
mystique an aura of mystery, power, or distinction that surrounds a particular person, thing, or activity.
myth a story or body of stories based on tradition or legend, originating in the oral history of a preliterate society and incorporating its beliefs about the origins of the world, the causes of natural events, and the origins of the society's customs and practices. [4 definitions]
mythic contained in, described in, or based on a myth. [2 definitions]
mythical concerning, involving, resembling, or portrayed in a myth or myths. [2 definitions]
mythicize to treat or explain as, or turn into, a myth.
mythmaker one who creates a myth or myths, usu. to serve the needs of a particular situation.
mythological of, concerning, or appearing in myths or mythology. [2 definitions]
mythologize to relate or create a myth or myths. [3 definitions]
mythology a body of myths particular to one society, event, or subject, or all myths collectively. [2 definitions]
mythomania in psychiatry, an abnormal compulsion to exaggerate or lie.
mythos the complex of beliefs and attitudes, or patterns of meaning, that are characteristic of a given group, society, or culture.