naif |
one who is inexperienced or naive; innocent. |
nail |
a slim, pointed metal rod, usu. topped by a flat head, that can be hammered into a material such as wood in order to fasten or reinforce. [7 definitions] |
nail down |
to specify or settle. |
nail file |
a small flat pointed file for cleaning, shaping, and smoothing the fingernails. |
nailhead |
the enlarged surface of one end of a nail, usu. flat but sometimes rounded. [2 definitions] |
nail polish |
a clear or colored lacquer applied to fingernails and toenails. |
nail set |
a short metal rod used to drive a nailhead level with or below a wood surface. |
nail varnish |
(chiefly British) a clear or colored lacquer applied to fingernails and toenails; nail polish. |
nainsook |
a thin, soft cotton fabric, used for underclothes and infant clothing. |
naira |
the chief monetary unit of Nigeria, equaling one hundred kobo. |
Nairobi |
the capital of Kenya. |
naive |
simple, natural, and unsophisticated; lacking in suspicion. [2 definitions] |
naiveté |
the quality of being naive. [2 definitions] |
naked |
uncovered or unclothed; bare or nude. [5 definitions] |
naltrexone |
a drug that reduces the desire for opioids or alcohol in addicted persons. |
namby-pamby |
shallow and without conviction; insipid. [3 definitions] |
name |
a word or group of words used to identify something or someone. [9 definitions] |
nameable |
capable of being named or discussed. |
name brand |
a product bearing a well-known trademark. [2 definitions] |
name-calling |
the use of disparaging or abusive names to attack a person or group. |
name day |
the feast day of a saint for whom one is named. [2 definitions] |