needlework |
work done with a needle, esp. fine or decorative sewing or embroidery. [2 definitions] |
needn't |
contracted form of "need not." |
needs |
of necessity; necessarily (usu. fol. or prec. by "must"). |
needy |
in need, usu. of physical necessities, but sometimes of affection or other forms of emotional sustenance. |
ne'er |
contracted form of "never" (used chiefly in literature). |
ne'er-do-well |
one who is lazy or irresponsible; good-for-nothing. [2 definitions] |
nefarious |
very wicked; evil. |
negate |
to render ineffective or invalid; nullify. [2 definitions] |
negation |
the act, process, or result of negating; denial or nullification. [2 definitions] |
negative |
expressing or consisting of a negation or denial. [14 definitions] |
negative income tax |
a proposed governmental subsidy system in which people having an income below a specified level would receive money directly from the government. |
negativism |
a chronic tendency toward skepticism or doubt. |
neglect |
to pay too little or no attention to. [5 definitions] |
neglectful |
tending to neglect; careless or negligent (often fol. by "of"). |
negligee |
a woman's dressing gown or robe, usu. long, full, and of a delicate, often translucent, fabric. [2 definitions] |
negligence |
disregard of, omission of, or failure to do something necessary; carelessness or neglect, esp. when it is habitual. [2 definitions] |
negligent |
guilty of neglecting, or tending to neglect. [2 definitions] |
negligible |
so small or unimportant as to be of no account; trifling or insignificant. |
negotiable |
subject to negotiation, as terms in an agreement or contract. [2 definitions] |
negotiate |
to bargain or come to terms with another party or parties. [5 definitions] |
negotiation |
(often pl.) mutual discussions intended to produce an agreement. [2 definitions] |