nerve block |
a local anesthetic that works by temporarily deadening a particular nerve, usu. administered by injection into or next to the nerve. |
nerve cell |
a neuron. |
nerve center |
a group of closely connected nerve cells that performs a particular function. [2 definitions] |
nerve gas |
any poisonous gas that attacks the nervous system. |
nerve impulse |
an electrochemical signal that moves along a stimulated nerve fiber. |
nerveless |
capable of maintaining one's composure in trying or dangerous situations. [2 definitions] |
nerve-racking |
inflicting great strain or irritation on one's patience, courage, or the like. |
nervous |
of or concerning the nerves. [4 definitions] |
nervous breakdown |
a severe neurotic or psychotic crisis impairing an individual's ability to function normally. |
nervous system |
the system of nerves and nerve centers in most multicellular animals. |
nervure |
a vein, as in a leaf or insect wing, that forms a support for the structure in which it lies. |
nervy |
(informal) rudely presumptuous; impertinent; brazen. [2 definitions] |
nescience |
absence of knowledge; ignorance. [2 definitions] |
-ness |
condition; quality; degree. [2 definitions] |
nest |
a structure used by a bird to lay eggs and rear young, often constructed on a tree, in high grass, or in a cavity using twigs, fibers, and the like. [11 definitions] |
n'est-ce pas |
(French) isn't that so?; right? |
nest egg |
a sum of money put away for future use. [2 definitions] |
nestle |
to lie close or curled up, as for warmth or affection. [3 definitions] |
nestling |
a young bird still confined to the nest. (Cf. fledgling.) |
net1 |
a meshlike fabric made of cotton, silk, or other material that is woven or tied together in knots. [6 definitions] |
net2 |
available after expenses and deductions have been subtracted. [5 definitions] |