nightshade |
any of several wild plants, often berry-bearing vines, some of whose berries are highly poisonous. |
nightshirt |
a long loose shirt worn in bed. |
night soil |
fertilizer composed of human excrement. |
nightspot |
see "night club." |
nightstand |
see "night table." |
nightstick |
a club carried by a police officer; billy. |
night table |
a small table or stand kept beside one's bed. |
nighttime |
the time between sunset and dawn. [2 definitions] |
night vision |
one's ability to see at night or in low light. |
night watch |
a watch or guard occurring during the night. [3 definitions] |
nightwear |
garments worn to bed; nightclothes. |
nighty |
variant of nightie. |
nihilism |
a philosophy that holds that there is no objective basis for moral truths and therefore traditional values are meaningless. [3 definitions] |
nihility |
the state of nonexistence or nothingness. |
-nik |
(informal) one who supports or is connected or associated with (usu. derogatory). |
Nike |
in Greek mythology, the goddess of victory; Victoria. |
Nikita Khrushchev |
Soviet statesman and premier of the U.S.S.R. from 1958 to 1964, who denounced his predecessor, Joseph Stalin (b.1894--d.1971). |
Nikola Tesla |
a Croatian-born U.S. inventor who developed alternating electric current (b.1856--d.1943). |
nil |
nothing; zero. |
Nile |
an African river that flows from Uganda northward to the Mediterranean Sea. |
Nile River |
an African river, generally considered to be the longest in the world, flowing from Uganda northward to the Mediterranean Sea. |