Nile River |
an African river, generally considered to be the longest in the world, flowing from Uganda northward to the Mediterranean Sea. |
nilgai |
a large Indian antelope, the male of which is bluish gray with short horns and a black mane, and the female tawny with no horns. |
nimble |
quick and agile in movement. [2 definitions] |
nimbostratus |
a low, extensive, dark-gray cloud that precipitates rain, snow, or sleet. |
nimbus |
a shining cloud or aura believed to surround a deity that is appearing on earth. [3 definitions] |
nimrod |
an avid hunter or sportsman. [2 definitions] |
nincompoop |
a foolish or silly person. |
nine |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 9 and by the Roman numeral IX. [3 definitions] |
nine days' wonder |
something that is briefly sensational or fascinating. |
ninefold |
having nine parts or elements. [3 definitions] |
ninepins |
(used with a sing. verb) a bowling game similar to tenpins that is played with nine pins. [2 definitions] |
nineteen |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 19 and by the Roman numeral XIX. [3 definitions] |
nineteenth |
indicating rank or position between eighteenth and twentieth. [3 definitions] |
ninetieth |
indicating rank or position between eighty-ninth and ninety-first. [3 definitions] |
ninety |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 90 and by the Roman numeral XC. [5 definitions] |
Nineveh |
the capital of ancient Assyria. |
ninja |
a specially trained feudal Japanese warrior used as a spy, assassin, or saboteur. |
ninny |
a silly or foolish person. |
Nintendo |
a multinational, consumer electronics and video games company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. |
ninth |
indicating rank or position between eighth and tenth. [4 definitions] |
niobium |
a chemical element that has forty-one protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a dense, soft, shiny bluish white solid metal, used esp. in alloys of steel to add strength; columbium. (symbol: Nb) |