no matter what |
regardless of the cost or of what might happen. |
nom de guerre |
war name (French); an assumed name; pseudonym. |
nom de plume |
a fictitious name adopted by an author; pen name. |
Nome |
a U.S. city in northwestern Alaska. |
nomenclature |
a specialized system or set of names and terms used in a particular science, art, or other field of study or training. |
nominal |
in name alone. [4 definitions] |
nominally |
by or according to name; in name; purportedly. |
nominal wages |
wages expressed in terms of money paid, rather than in terms of purchasing power. (Cf. real wages.) |
nominate |
to propose (a person) as a candidate for election or appointment. [2 definitions] |
nomination |
the act of nominating, or the fact or condition of being nominated, esp. for office. |
nominative |
nominated or appointed, as a candidate or official. [4 definitions] |
nominee |
a person or thing that has been nominated, as for an office or honor. |
-nomy |
system of laws for or sum of knowledge about a particular field. |
non- |
not; absence of; failure to. |
nona- |
nine. |
nonabrasive |
combined form of abrasive. |
nonabsorbable |
combined form of absorbable. |
nonabsorbent |
combined form of absorbent. |
nonabsorptive |
combined form of absorptive. |
nonabstract |
combined form of abstract. |
nonacademic |
combined form of academic. |