obsequious |
showing or tending to show servile obedience or deference; fawning. |
obsequy |
(usu. pl.) a funeral rite or ceremony. |
observable |
able to be observed; visible. [2 definitions] |
observance |
compliance or obedience. [4 definitions] |
observant |
watching carefully; alert; attentive. [2 definitions] |
observation |
the act or an instance of observing. [5 definitions] |
observation car |
a railway car with large windows from which passengers may observe the scenery. |
observation post |
a forward military position from which the enemy can be observed and artillery fire can be directed. |
observatory |
a building containing equipment for making astronomical or other kinds of scientific observations. |
observe |
to perceive; see. [10 definitions] |
observer |
someone who observes an event such as a meeting but does not participate in it. [2 definitions] |
obsess |
to preoccupy the mind or emotions of (someone) excessively or abnormally. |
obsession |
that which preoccupies one's mind or emotions excessively or abnormally. [2 definitions] |
obsessive |
of, pertaining to, characterized by, or causing an obsession. |
obsessive-compulsive |
of or relating to having unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions), and engaging in repetitive and uncontrollable behaviors (compulsions). [3 definitions] |
obsessive-compulsive disorder |
a mental disorder characterized by having unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions), and/or engaging in repetitive and uncontrollable behaviors (compulsions); OCD. |
obsessive-compulsive neurosis |
an emotional disorder characterized by compulsions, irresistible urges, or both, and often manifested in ritualistic behavior. |
obsidian |
a dark, shiny volcanic glass, often used in jewelry, that fractures in a smooth, shell-like curve. |
obsolesce |
to become or be in the process of becoming obsolete. |
obsolescent |
in the process of going out of use or style; becoming obsolete. |
obsolete |
no longer in use, as a word or expression, or as a type of implement or equipment. [2 definitions] |