obsolete |
no longer in use, as a word or expression, or as a type of implement or equipment. [2 definitions] |
obstacle |
that which impedes or prevents forward movement or progress; obstruction. |
obstetric |
of or pertaining to childbirth or obstetrics. |
obstetrical |
of or relating to the care of women before, during, and after childbirth, or to the field of obstetrics. |
obstetrician |
a medical doctor whose specialty is pregnancy and childbirth. |
obstetrics |
(used with a sing. verb) the branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy and childbirth. |
obstinacy |
the state or quality of being stubborn; stubbornness. [2 definitions] |
obstinance |
the quality of holding stubbornly to one's own ideas or purposes; unwillingness to change or do what is asked. |
obstinate |
holding stubbornly to one's own ideas or purposes; unwilling to change. [2 definitions] |
obstreperous |
hard to control, as children resisting adult discipline; unruly. [2 definitions] |
obstruct |
to clog or block. [3 definitions] |
obstruction |
something that obstructs; obstacle or impediment. [3 definitions] |
obstructionist |
anyone who deliberately prevents the ordinary conduct of affairs. |
obtain |
to gain possession of; acquire. [2 definitions] |
obtainable |
able to be obtained. |
obtrude |
to thrust or force (oneself, one's concerns, or one's opinions) on another or others without being asked. [3 definitions] |
obtrusive |
attracting unwanted notice. [3 definitions] |
obtuse |
of an angle, greater than ninety degrees and less than 180 degrees. [3 definitions] |
obtuse angle |
an angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees. |
obverse |
the face, front, or principal surface of anything, esp. of a coin, medal, or the like. (Cf. reverse). [5 definitions] |
obviate |
to prevent or eliminate in advance; render unnecessary or irrelevant. |