octillion |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 1027. [2 definitions] |
octo- |
eight. |
October |
the tenth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days. |
October Revolution |
see "Russian Revolution." |
octogenarian |
being, of, or pertaining to one that is between eighty and ninety years old. [2 definitions] |
octopus |
any of several related carnivorous sea animals with a soft, rounded body and eight long tentacles with two rows of suckers on each. [2 definitions] |
octoroon |
a person whose ancestry is one eighth black. |
octuple |
having or composed of eight parts. [3 definitions] |
ocular |
of, pertaining to, or like the eye or eyes. [3 definitions] |
oculist |
formerly, an ophthalmologist. [2 definitions] |
oculomotor |
designating the nerves that supply the muscles that move each eyeball. |
OD |
abbreviation of "overdose." |
odalisque |
a female slave or concubine in a harem. |
odd |
different from what is expected or customary; strange. [7 definitions] |
oddball |
(informal) a person or thing that is unconventional or eccentric. [2 definitions] |
oddity |
a peculiar or puzzling thing, person, or event. [2 definitions] |
odd man out |
any outsider; one who has been excluded. [2 definitions] |
oddment |
a leftover or isolated item; one item among several odds and ends. [2 definitions] |
odd number |
a whole number that cannot be divided exactly by 2. |
odds |
the probability that one thing is more likely to happen than another. [4 definitions] |
odds and ends |
miscellaneous items; bits and pieces; scraps. |