olein |
the liquid triglyceride of oleic acid, occurring in most fats and oils and as the major component of olive oil. [2 definitions] |
oleo |
an imitation butter made chiefly from vegetable oil; margarine; oleomargarine. |
oleo- |
oil. |
oleomargarine |
an imitation butter made chiefly from vegetable oil; margarine; oleo. |
oleoresin |
a naturally occurring mixture of resin and an essential oil such as turpentine. |
olfaction |
the faculty of perceiving odors; sense of smell. [2 definitions] |
olfactory |
of, concerning, or stimulating the perception of smells. [3 definitions] |
olfactory nerve |
either of the first pair of cranial nerves that transmit nerve impulses from the mucous membrane in the nose to the forebrain. |
oligarch |
one of the leaders in an oligarchy, a government made up of a relatively small set of people. [2 definitions] |
oligarchy |
a government or state in which only a relatively few people or members of a family have real power. [2 definitions] |
oligo- |
little; few. |
Oligocene |
of, relating to, or designating the geological epoch between the Eocene and Miocene of the Tertiary Period, from approximately 38 million to 26 million years ago, when mastodons and apes appeared. [2 definitions] |
oligonucleotide |
a short molecule of DNA or RNA that is synthetically manufactured for research, genetic testing, or forensic analysis. |
oligopoly |
the control of supply of a good or service in a given market by a limited number of sellers. |
oligopsony |
the market condition that exists when the number of buyers is so small that the actions of just one of them can affect price. (Cf. duopsony, monopsony.) |
olio |
any miscellaneous collection of elements, esp. of music, stage entertainment, writing, or food; potpourri. |
olive |
a small green or black fruit with a pit, eaten raw or used as a source of oil. [5 definitions] |
olive branch |
the branch of an olive tree as a token of peace, or any peace offering. |
olive drab |
a dull olive or greenish brown color. [3 definitions] |
olive green |
a yellowish green color; color of an unripe olive. |
olive oil |
oil pressed from ripe olives, used esp. in cooking. |