oneiric |
of or relating to dreams. |
oneiromancy |
the practice of attempting to foretell the future by the interpretation of dreams. |
one-liner |
a short witty or amusing remark. |
oneness |
the condition or quality of being one. [4 definitions] |
one-night stand |
an engagement for a single performance in one place by an entertainer, speaker, or the like. [2 definitions] |
one of a kind |
something or someone with unique, usu. admirable, qualities. |
one-on-one |
in certain sports, playing against or covering a single opponent. [3 definitions] |
onerous |
unwanted, unpleasant, and burdensome. |
one's bread and butter |
the core thing that provides a person or group their basic means of support. |
one's cup of tea |
exactly the type of thing that one prefers or enjoys; something that suits one perfectly. |
oneself |
a person's own self (often used reflexively). |
one-shot |
a publication, performance, or the like that is intended for one time only. [4 definitions] |
one-sided |
advantageous to one side or position. [3 definitions] |
ones place |
in mathematics, the place one to the left of the decimal point of a number. |
one-step |
a ballroom dance that consists of an unbroken series of quick walking steps and is danced to ragtime music. [3 definitions] |
one-time |
former. [2 definitions] |
one-to-one |
matching or corresponding, as each element of one set with a specific element of another. |
one-track |
concerned exclusively with one idea, topic, or the like. [2 definitions] |
one-two |
in boxing, a sequence of two punches, such as a quick jab with the left fist followed immediately by a hard punch with the right. |
one-up |
to surpass (someone) in order not to be bettered or lose face. |
one-upmanship |
the method, practice, or habit of always trying to surpass or gain an advantage over others so as not to be bettered. |