original jurisdiction |
the authority of a court to be the first court to hear and decide cases on a particular matter or in a particular geographic area. |
originally |
with reference to source or origin. [3 definitions] |
original sin |
in Christianity, the sin of disobedience committed by Adam and Eve, for which they and all humans were made to suffer pain and mortality. |
originate |
to arise or come into being. [3 definitions] |
originative |
having the capacity to originate. |
originator |
one who starts or invents something new, especially a way or manner of doing something. |
Orinoco River |
a major river of South America that starts near the Venezuelan border with Brazil, flows across Venezuela, then along the border with Colombia, and finally empties into the Atlantic Ocean. |
oriole |
a member of either of two families of birds in which the males have black and bright yellow or orange plumage. |
Orion |
in Greek mythology, a giant hunter who was killed by Artemis. [2 definitions] |
orison |
a prayer. |
-orium |
a place or device associated with or pertaining to; -arium. |
Orlon |
trademark for a lightweight acrylic fiber or fabric. |
Ormazd |
Ahura Mazda. |
ormolu |
an alloy of copper and zinc or tin that resembles gold, or a similar gilded metal, used to decorate furniture, architectural features, or jewelry. |
ornament |
something that is added to beautify or improve appearance; decoration. [5 definitions] |
ornamental |
of or pertaining to ornament or decoration; decorative. [3 definitions] |
ornamentation |
ornaments collectively; embellishment. [2 definitions] |
ornate |
having much, often excessive, decoration. [2 definitions] |
ornery |
stubborn, mean, or disagreeable. |
ornithologist |
a scientist who specializes in the study of birds. |
ornithology |
the scientific study of birds. |