osteomalacia |
softening of the bones caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies, occurring esp. in pregnant women. |
osteomyelitis |
inflammation of the bone or bone marrow, usu. caused by a pus-producing bacterium. |
osteopathy |
a branch of medical treatment that is based chiefly on the manipulation of bones and muscles. |
osteoporosis |
a condition of the bone characterized by porosity and brittleness, accompanied by pain, skeletal deformities, or decreased height, and occurring esp. in women past menopause. |
osteosarcoma |
a cancerous tumor of the bone. |
osteotomy |
surgical division or removal of a bone or part of a bone. |
ostinato |
a brief melodic phrase repeated over and over by the same instrument, used esp. as an accompaniment to a soloist or an ensemble passage. |
ostler |
variant of hostler. |
ostmark |
formerly, the chief monetary unit of East Germany, equaling one hundred pfennigs; mark. |
ostracism |
an exclusion or rejection, as from a social group. [2 definitions] |
ostracize |
to exclude or shun, by general agreement of the group imposing the exclusion. [2 definitions] |
ostrich |
any of several large, powerful, flightless African birds that run swiftly and have long, unfeathered legs and neck, and two toes on each foot. [2 definitions] |
Ostrogoth |
any member of a tribe in East Goth that conquered and ruled Italy in the fifth century. (Cf. Visigoth.) |
abbreviation of "off-track betting." |
Othello |
in a tragedy by William Shakespeare, the title character, who murders his wife in the mistaken belief that she has been unfaithful. |
other |
different from the one or ones indicated. [14 definitions] |
other than |
with the exception of; besides. [2 definitions] |
otherwise |
in a different manner or other way; differently. [4 definitions] |
other world |
a world or existence after death. [2 definitions] |
otherworldly |
of, relating to, or like another world, such as that of the spirit or the imagination. [2 definitions] |
-otic |
having to do with (such) a condition, action, or process. [3 definitions] |