outjump |
combined form of jump. |
outkick |
combined form of kick. |
outkill |
combined form of kill. |
outland |
(usu. pl.) the regions far from the capital or other population concentrations; hinterland. [2 definitions] |
outlander |
a person from a different area; foreigner; alien. |
outlandish |
strikingly unusual, odd, or bizarre. |
outlast |
to last or live longer than. |
outlaw |
one whose activities repeatedly violate the law; habitual criminal. [5 definitions] |
outlay |
the spending of money, or an amount spent. [2 definitions] |
outleap |
combined form of leap. |
outlearn |
combined form of learn. |
outlet |
an opening through which something is released or allowed to escape; vent. [5 definitions] |
outlier |
any person or thing that exists beyond its ordinary place or beyond a larger group or mass of which it is a part. |
outline |
a line or shape marking the boundaries of a figure or object. [5 definitions] |
outlive |
to live or last longer than; outlast. [2 definitions] |
outlook |
future prospect. [3 definitions] |
out loud |
loudly enough to be heard; not silently; aloud. |
outlying |
away from the center or hub; distant or out-of-the-way. |
outman |
to be greater in number of men; outnumber. |
outmaneuver |
to gain an advantage over, by clever maneuvering. [2 definitions] |
outmanipulate |
combined form of manipulate. |